
There has never been a better time to straighten your teeth! With the Invisalign® clear aligner system, you can achieve the bright, beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of. Through Invisalign®, Earwood Dentistry is proud to offer a clear, convenient, removable, comfortable and discreet option for those looking to align their smiles.


What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® clear aligners are virtually invisible trays made out of medical grade plastic or polyurethane resin that gradually shift your teeth into place over the course of your treatment. These trays are made to fit your teeth exactly, gently aligning your teeth with each new tray set.

Invisalign® treatment uses advanced 3D computer imaging technology to depict your complete treatment plan from the initial position of your teeth to your finalized, transformed smile. This gives us expert control over your treatment process at all times, helping you achieve the smile of your dreams comfortably, quickly and discreetly.

The Invisalign® Treatment Process



Before you set out on your journey to a stellar smile with Invisalign®, our expert team will need to consult with you regarding your needs and smile goals. We will discuss the features of your smile that need correcting, such as malocclusions, crowding, gapped teeth and so on and then determine if Invisalign® clear aligners are right for you. If so, the next step begins!

Your smile journey begins with digital photographs and impressions of the teeth. This will help our team develop a personalized treatment plan that will allow you to comfortably transform over time. We will work closely with Invisalign® treatment specialists to develop a complete digital treatment plan to plot your treatment plan from start to finish. With modern technology, we can even provide you with a projected image of what your completed smile will look like!



Once you have your first set of aligner trays, your treatment process truly begins. Your treatment will consist of a series of clear aligners that are custom-made for your teeth to move them little by little with each new set. These trays are removable, allowing you to take them off while eating or brushing your teeth, but they will still be worn for the vast majority of the day, at least 20-22 hours per day. The longer you wear your aligner trays, the better your results will be!

Invisalign® aligners are removable, meaning you’ll be taking them off when you eat, brush your teeth or drink anything besides water. Ideally, these will be the only times you remove your aligner trays, leaving them on the rest of the day and while you sleep. However, there are other special occasions where you may remove your aligner temporarily, such as pictures, special events or when practicing certain musical instruments.

As you progress through your treatment, your aligner trays will get replaced every two weeks, or as instructed by your dentist. Each subsequent tray set contains tiny alterations in shape that gently move your teeth into their ideal positions. However, it’s always important to keep your most recent tray on hand so you have them to fall back on if you happen to lose your current tray set.

earwood dentistry invisalign clear aligners


When you’ve completed your aligner treatment, the retention process begins! Your teeth will still be prone to moving after your final tray set, so it is important to be as resilient in the retention process as you were during the initial treatment. Much like those who align their smiles with traditional wire braces, a retainer will need to be worn regularly after the end of your treatment so that your new, beautifully aligned smile stays firmly in place. Our practice is proud to offer Vivera® retainers, which are custom-made using the same state-of-the-art technology as your Invisalign® aligners themselves.


Why Invisalign®?

There are many benefits of transforming your smile Invisalign® clear aligners. Not only are they just as effective and efficient as traditional wire braces, but Invisalign® provides a treatment method that is removable, nearly invisible and incredibly convenient. Here are just a few of the benefits of choosing Invisalign® for your smile journey!

With aligner changes every couple of weeks, you can be on your way to the smile of your dreams even faster than with other treatment options. The average treatment time for patients with Invisalign® is around twelve months or as determined by your dentist. Depending on your response to treatment, particularly in mature adults, we may consider longer periods between aligner changes compared to the usual two weeks.

Invisalign® utilizes SmartTrack materials and SmartForce features that are clinically proven to improve the control over your tooth movement. Over 9 million people, including more than 1.4 million teens, have created bright, beautiful smiles with Invisalign® aligners. Earwood Dentistry is proud to be a certified Invisalign® provider, providing proven results!

These aligners are designed to fit perfectly to your teeth, including every edge, surface and corner. Because of this, Invisalign® aligners fit so snuggly against your teeth that you hardly realize they’re there! Thanks to their perfect fit and specialized materials, these aligners are comfortable, fit well and are easy to take on and off.

At their inception, Invisalign® aligners were somewhat limited in what problems they could effectively treat, generally focusing on adult patients without any malocclusion or bite misalignment. Now, with the latest Invisalign® technology, patients of all ages can benefit from these clear aligners, and many malocclusions can also be corrected with this cutting-edge treatment including crossbites, crowding, open bites, gapped teeth, overbites and underbites.

In a traditional wire braces treatment, patients will have visible wires, brackets and rubber bands creating the necessary tension to align the teeth, which can affect a patient’s self-confidence or willingness to smile. With Invisalign®, this is not an issue! Because Invisalign® aligners are made of a clear, thin material that is shaped perfectly around your teeth, most people will not even realize you’re wearing them!

At Earwood Dentistry, our patients’ comfort is important to us. That’s why we’re proud to offer Invisalign® clear aligner trays, which are not only smooth and comfortable to wear, but are also removable. This means that when you have your aligners in, you’ll feel only the smooth, barely-there surface of your trays instead of wire brackets, and when your aligners are out, you can continue doing all the things you normally would outside of treatment, from brushing and flossing to eating whatever you like.

Invisalign® treatment is ideal for patients with a busy schedule, from teens going between school, after-school activities or part-time jobs to adults with jobs and families of their own. Because there are no wires to tighten or brackets to replace, you’ll only need to visit the office in person about once every six weeks!


If you’d like to learn more about Earwood Dentistry’s Invisalign® clear aligner treatment options, or if you’d like to schedule a consultation, please contact our practice at (919) 847-8413 or schedule an appointment online.

earwood dentistry office hours raleigh nc


Monday 7:30am to 5:00pm
Tuesday 7:30am to 5:00pm
Wednesday 7:30am to 4:00pm
Thursday 7:30am to 5:00pm
Friday 7:30am to 12:00pm

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Give us a call!
(919) 847-8413